Advanced Comfort Electrolysis


Electrolysis is the only safe and proven method of permanent hair removal. Advanced Comfort Electrolysis offers the highest standard of safe, gentle and effective electrolysis methods.

Electrolysis involves the insertion of a probe into the hair follicle (a natural opening in the skin); then, a small amout of electric current is transmitted down the probe in order to destroy the root of the hair. The loosened hair is gently removed from the follicle with tweezers.

Advanced Comfort Electrolysis employs predominantly the blend method - a combination of alternating direct and high frequency currents that are passed down the probe simultaneously (see FAQ below). Multiple sessions are required to permanently eliminate hair. Believed to be the most successful type of electrolysis by medical professionals, the blend method is the most rapid and effective way to treat all types of unwanted hair.

Sessions are offered in 15, 30, 45, and 60 minute intervals.

Frequently Asked Questions

How safe is electrolysis?

Electrolysis is extremely safe. The first individual to use electrolysis for hair removal was Dr. Charles E. Michel, an ophthalmologist, who removed ingrown eyelashes. Since its introduction in 1875, no cases of disease transmission have ever been reported. Advanced Comfort Electrolysis uses a new, sterilized, pre-packaged disposable probe for every treatment. Tweezers are also sterilized prior to every treatment.

Is electrolysis permanent?

Yes. However, more than one treatment may be necessary to completely destroy hair follicles. Factors which may play a role in the number of electrolysis treatments required include the thickness of the hair, underlying hormonal imbalances (including Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - P.C.O.S. and thyroid "conditions"), and the previous forms of treatment that have been applied to the area (eg. plucking, waxing, threading, etc.).

Does electrolysis hurt?

Some discomfort may be felt during the initial electrolysis treatment; however, with each visit, there will be less discomfort as the body adapts. The mild heat sensation accompanying the electrolysis treatment is felt for only a few seconds while the current is flowing. Most clients find electrolysis more comfortable than waxing, threading, and electronic epilator devices. A topical anesthetic is available for the treatment and a soothing aloe gel applied to the treated area after electrolysis can also be effective. It also helps to be well hydrated (drink plenty of water) before the electrolysis appointment, and to refrain from consuming caffeine and other related stimulants.

Are there various forms of electrolysis?

Yes. There are three different methods of electrolysis:

1. Galvanic Electrolysis uses a direct current which causes a chemical reaction to occur in the hair follicle. A substance referred to as lye (sodium hydroxide) is produced. The lye is very caustic and it destroys the hair root. Although galvanic electrolysis is very effective, it generally takes up to 1 minute to treat a single hair; therefore, this method of electrolysis is not often used on its own.

2. Thermolysis Electrolysis uses a high frequency alternating current to destroy the hair root with heat. Although it is used by many electrologists, thermolysis electrolysis used on its own is not the most effective when treating coarse, curved or distorted hair follicles.

3. The Blend Method has proven to be the most effective type of electrolysis. With the blend method, both types of current described above (direct current and high frequency alternating current) are passed down the probe simultaneously into the dermal papilla (the point at the base of the follicle which nourishes the hair). The high frequency alternating (thermolysis) current heats up the lye produced by the direct (galvanic) current, and this heated lye is more effective in destroying the hair root. As a result, with the combination of the two currents, the blend procedure is more rapid and is considered to be very effective in treating all types of hair.

Is everyone a suitable candidate for electrolysis?

It is recommended that electrolysis be performed on individuals who are at least 16 years of age or older. Parental or guardian consent is required for those under 16 years. There are a few cases in which a doctor's note of permission would be required (eg. individuals with diabetes or hemophilia). The electrologist will discuss your suitability as a candidate for electrolysis during the initial consultation.

How many electrolysis treatments do I need to have before I am hair-free?

This depends on many factors including the size of the area being treated, the density of the hair, the thickness of the hair, the existence of ingrown hair or curved or distorted hair follicles caused by repeated tweezing or waxing, the client's age, tolerance, and medical history (including medication that the client is taking that may be contributing to excess hair growth). The number of sessions required to treat an area varies with each individual. Keeping regular appointments reduces the length and frequency of the electrolysis sessions. For best results, growing hair should be treated when it first appears above the skin surface and is in the early anagen growth cycle.

What are some of the side effects of electrolysis?

It is normal to see some redness and welting (bumps) in the treated area. This typically disappears within a couple of hours after treatment. In a few individuals who have sensitive skin, a slight skin irritation in the form of red spots will appear in the treated area. A minor bruise, localized swelling, tenderness, and some hyperpigmentation may occur, but these side effects are very uncommon and are only temporary. After treatment, ice can help to soothe the skin as well as bring down any swelling that may occur. If skin irritation occurs, hydrocortisone 0.5% cream (commonly termed "cortate") applied two to three times a day can be helpful. Hydrocortisone cream should only be used if the irritation persists; most individuals will not require it after treatment.